Thursday, October 10, 2013

Proofread for Resume Gaffes!

We’ve seen the funny typos that appear in resumes. Have you seen these?

Languages: Speak English and Spinach
My work ethics are impeachable.
I am experienced in all faucets of accounting.
Dear Sir or Madman,
I have a known track record and excellent experience with accurancy and fixing erors.

Accurancy and erors were identified as errors in Word. Some of the errors, however, aren’t flagged because they are words, just not the right words. Spinach? Would you rather be called for an interview or be added to the list of funny resume mistakes?

I tell my students that their resumes and cover letters are two of the most important documents they’ll ever write. Having just one error can be the reason you’re not getting called for the interview. And yet, many submit their job search projects with at least one typo. Why doesn’t anybody listen to me?

What do you do to ensure you don’t have an error on your resume, cover letter, or other important documents?

Judy Beaver, The Office Pro