Thursday, August 1, 2013

Easily Distracted by Errors?

People make more errors when they’re distracted. No surprise, right?

Alternatively, what about being distracted by errors? When you read a book, an article, or an e-mail, do you get distracted or stuck when you see an error?

This month we’ll be talking about how people might judge you if you have an error in an e-mail, a report, a presentation, or your resume. Check back during the month to see what’s happening; I’ll provide proofreading tips, present inspirational words about errors (no kidding!), and show the impact of errors. Join the conversation, offer your proofreading tips, and share your images and stories.

What was the last thing you read that had a grammar error or typo? Were you surprised? I'd love to hear from you.

Judy Beaver, The Office Pro
Founder of National Proofreading Day

1 comment:

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